What is Ichiban KUJI? 一番くじ何ですか?

Ichiban Kuji is a lottery handled every months by Banpresto. Each session features a specific set of Shonen Jump titles with exclusive lots, sometimes along other more common products. To participate to the lottery and maybe win items, you must buy ¥620 tickets in Japanese convenience stores (also called combini), toy stores like Jump stores, bookstores or Namco game centers. Premium sessions may call for ¥800 to ¥1,000 priced tickets instead. Generally, one store gets a pool of lots, containing a total of 100 lots with their accompanying ¥620 tickets. Some stores actually even allow people to pre-order a whole pool for the regular wholesale price of ¥50,000. The quantity of each prize is fixed by Banpresto for one pool. Here's a sample of what kind of allotment a pool can get, taken from the December 2009 session of Ichiban Kuji Premium K-On!

Prize A Prize B Prize C Prize D Prize E Prize F Prize G Total
4 pieces 4 pieces 4 pieces 4 pieces 16 pieces 20 pieces 48 pieces 100 pieces


Nevertheless, items can generally be bought directly in combini and specialized shops after a short while. Ichiban Kuji literally means The n°1 Lottery, or more explicitly The Best Lottery.  The Last One prize is simply the prize you get when you buy the very last ticket at a shop. It's a new concept that Banpresto introduced during the second semester of 2011.

Do check Kuji(s) that are available for ordering in our sales page >>>